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Old Covered Bridge

Old Covered Bridge

Across this great land
they have stood
These portals made
by man out of wood
A bridge from yesteryear
into this modern world
as we now know
Some have stood for
over a hundred years
They've weathered the storms
of nature and man
These humble icons have
seen us come and go
Watched as we mere
mortals struggled to grow
When as settlers we
crossed the terrain of time
In the hot summers and
the bitter winters of snow
Some now stand in disrepair,
forlorn forgotten in despair
Once these stately beauties
a haven of hope
Now just a reminder of
gentler days gone past
Old and weathered yet still proud
Holding the markings of lovers and
scarred from a long ago crowd
Without them our journeys
would not have endured
Rural communities would be
left unborn or obscured
Now flourish because of
these old bridges that opened
the way to a brighter
future and a new day
They've each played their part
in helping to make America

Upon a dusty road it stands
Alone and forgotten
It's timber creak and moan
As the night winds batter about
It wished it had been made of stone
It wanted to shout
This lonely old bridge
no longer needed
Could remember how
proud it once was
To bridge the river and
give safe passage to all
Had seen the time
of peace and war
Remembering the sound
of the bugler's call
Stood strong against
the winds of change
Now in the distance
as the sun is setting
the sounds of lawn mowers
and cars horns,children playing
dance across the meadows
to an old covered bridge.
Bonnie Ray © May 16 2009
All Rights Protacted

May you always be covered in God's pure love!

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