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If I Could

If I could take you home with me
What a sweet memory it would be
I would introduce you to
your great great grandmother.
You would love her.
Now mind you she was strict
but very loving and kind.
And if she gave you a chore
you knew better than to ignore...

In the summertime we would sit on the porch
and listen to the elders tell of days gone by
These memories I hold dear
as I brush the tears from my eyes.

If I could take you back.
I would take you to my favorite hideout
where we could play and swim until supper time
When we heard the clanging of the old dinner bell
and we would race home to eat...
After supper we did the dishes
took our showers and hopped into bed
If I could
Bonnie Ray 2013
All rights reserved

May You always be covered with God's pure love!

Thank you for visit with me!!!


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