The Morning Dove sings of last night's love
And as Grandfather Sun awakens and stretches
His warn rays that glow above
He bids Grandmother Moon
a warm adieu till evening time
When once again her magic spell will touch
the grotto of where lovers dwell
Upon the flowered fields he smiles
to brush away the remnants
of the kiss left by dew
Opens the sleeping trumpet of
the morning glory up
So that it may herald in
the day to greet you
Once again to record another
page of life's story
A sassy cloud scurries by leaving
a gentle shower in it's wake
A rainbow appears to dress
the sky in a multitude of colors
Like unto a roses bower
Upon the gentle wind an
eagle soars to and fro
Higher and higher until
he carresses mountain top
From his lofty perch he
surveys his world aglow
Far below Mother Earth's
patch work quilts crop
Bordered by laughing brooks
and silvered streams
There where once again
Grandmother Moon her spell to cast
To catch unaware lovers hearts in dreams
By Bonnie Ray © 4/19/2001
Native American poem.
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