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Mothers Voice

painting by Josephine Wall

Mother's Voice,
Listen and you
can hear her voice
In the quiet of twilight...
Each evening she sings
a song of rejoice
Hear her melody drift
through the sighing leaves
As high above the Eagle
watches his kingdom
And from the brook hear
her laughing tease
Mother's voice soft and
gentle carried by the breeze
As the sunset melts into
the arms of sleep

Stars begin their
twinkling delight
While the moon keeps watch
all through the night
Mother's voice sings her
lullabyes to us her children
Forever reassuring even in
lifes fleeting flight
That birth and death
are one and the same.
step into heaven
by Bonnie RayŠ 2004
All rights reserved

~Wishing you God's pure Love!!~ ~HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!~

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